Friday 3 March 2017


"Aku bercerita untuk diambil mana yang berharga.
Menyebar kebaikan itu juga pahala kerana tidak semua perkara perlu dibuka,
maka ada yang aku kekalkan rahsia antara aku dan Dia,
kerana Dialah sebaik-baik penyimpan rahsia."
-Teme Abdullah, penulis buku "Arkitek Pelukis Jalanan"


Finally, I have a chance to read "Arkitek Pelukis Jalanan" book. Buku coretan pengalaman itu bukanlah kepunyaanku, tetapi kepunyaan bapa saudaraku, A. Mey. One day, A. Mey had posted the picture of books in his Instagram and without any hesitation, I asked him to lend me the book. I took almost a week to complete the reading. Bukanlah kerana isi kandungannya yang berat (ringan sahaja) tetapi kerana aku sebagai pelajar mempunyai urusan lain yang perlu diselesaikan terlebih dahulu. Jadi, aku jadikan buku ini sebagai bacaan sampingan aku apabila aku lelah melakukan urusan lain.

I follow Teme (Facebook, Instagram) because I was impressed (still impressed until today πŸ˜ƒ) with his drawings. Mashaa Allah. Allah gives him talent in art.

Baiklah, berbalik kepada buku.
"Arkitek Pelukis Jalanan" berkisar tentang survival seorang Teme di negara orang, United Kingdom. Teme menyambung pelajaran di UK dengan biaya sendiri. Banyak pengalaman yang ditempuhi oleh Teme di sana. Ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut kisahnya? Maka, belilah atau mungkin, pinjamlah buku ini dan bacalah.

Bab lapan, bertajuk ayam goreng. Antara beberapa bab, bab lapan merupakan bab yang paling aku suka dan menyentuh hatiku. Perlukah aku bercerita di ruangan ini? Cukuplah aku nyatakan kata kuncinya: Teme, ayam goreng, homeless dan hujan. You need to read this book to know the exact story. 😏 There is one ayatul Quran mentioned in this part, from Surah al-`Imran, chapter 3, verse 92.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud:

"Kamu tidak sekali-kali akan dapat mencapai (hakikat) kebajikan dan kebaktian (yang sempurna) sebelum kamu dermakan sebahagian dari apa yang kamu sayangi. Dan sesuatu apa jua yang kamu dermakan maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahuinya" ۝


There is also a quote in this part:
πŸ’—"Kebahagiaan tidak semestinya datang dengan memiliki"πŸ’—

Teme juga ada berkongsi tentang pesanan mamanya, iaitu selalulah membaca ayat 1000 dinar yang terdapat dalam Surah at-Talaq, surah ke-65, ayat 2 dan 3.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud:
"... dan sesiapa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah (dengan mengerjakan suruhanNya dan meninggalkan laranganNya), nescaya Allah akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar (dari segala perkara yang menyusahkannya), ۝
Serta memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya. Dan (Ingatlah), sesiapa berserah diri bulat-bulat kepada Allah, maka Allah cukuplah baginya (untuk menolong dan menyelamatkannya). Sesungguhnya Allah tetap melakukan segala perkara yang dikehendakiNya. Allah telahpun menentukan kadar dan masa bagi berlakunya tiap-tiap sesuatu.۝"


Satu kata-kata Teme yang boleh digunakan untuk memuhasabahkan diri dalam bab terakhir buku ini, iaitu:

πŸ’—"Allah yang bagi aku tangan dan mata ini. Takkan aku nak gunakan untuk khianati kurniaan Dia balik."πŸ’—Bahagian terakhir buku ini, Teme telah memasukkan hasil lukisannya yang amazing. Under each picture in the gallery, Teme had put beautiful quotes and I really like the quotes. Allow me to write few of his quotes:
πŸ“Œ"Engkau asyik fikirkan soal nak berjaya, asyik fikirkan belajar sampai ia dah memenuhi sebahagian besar hati kau. Ya, ia dah masuk ke dalam hati kau, kau terlampau cintakan kejayaan dunia. Maka Allah ujikan dengan perkara yang kau cinta. Kerana Dia nak kau kembali cinta pada-Nya."

πŸ“Œ"Jangan lengahkan kebaikan. Kerana kita mungkin tidak akan ada kesenangan dan kemampuan melakukannya di lain masa. Lagipun, kita mungkin mati 2-3 saat selepas ini."
πŸ“Œdan selebihnya boleh dibaca dalam buku "Arkitek Pelukis Jalanan"


Semoga Tuhan memberkatimu, Terima kasih.

Edited on: 2nd March 2017 

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Coloured Pencils

Written on: 18th January 2016

Emm. Agak-agak boleh masuk "Book of Record" tak? Heee.
It has been so long, more than 6 years. My little sister took few months to make the coloured pencils shorter. Hehe

I had read this one quote. I don't know who created that kind of quote. It said "Kalau kau rasa tak guna, cuba fikir apa gunanya pembuat pensel berwarna wujudkan warna putih?" **Maybe that is the reason why my white-coloured pencil is in the second place of the rarely used after the dark brown, I think**.
But, for me, I think white colour has it own use likes I can use it to colour the sky, combine it with blue colour.
In my opinion, the creation of something has it own use, isn't it? There is a reason behind one creation.
P/s #1: the coloured pencils are not in original arrangement. Abaikan 'letak tempat asal'. Tak adil bukan? Hehe. Bukankah adil itu bermaksud meletakkan sesuatu di tempat asal?
P/s #2 the calculator is also more than 6 years.
I bought it since 2009.
P/s #3 And yes! I love pink colour. That's why it is the shortest one.
#ColouredPencils #Motivation


Written on:17th January 2016

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. 

Assalamu ‘alaikum. Hello there! This is my first journal for Thinking Skills class. Actually, I had drafted the first journal two days ago, which was my first Thinking Skills class. Just drafting, okay? Only now, I am in mood to write the journal completely besides I have leisure time and not in mood to do something else. Good girl, am I? To be honest, I do not want to delay the task because I want to practice the quote “Do It Now. Sometimes, Later Become Never”. It is an amazing quote, isn’t it? *Credit to person who create the quote* I also want to avoid procrastination.

            Back to the topic mentioned. My very first journal is about ‘My First Thinking Skills Class’. Actually, this was my first Thinking Skills class in second day. It is confusing, isn’t it? Never mind. It is not important anyway. Let’s begin. Last sunny Friday, on 15th January 2016, I went to class with my classmates which are also my lovely roommates by walking. We arrived at our class, TR3, which is located at Kuliyyah of Education building few minutes before 10 a.m. As I wanted to sit, my friend noticed something on whiteboard. It stated that HS 0344 class move to TR5. So, we went to that class. No one arrived yet except a few people arrived with us. We discussed about something while waiting for the instructor to come. 

Around 20 to 30 minutes later, the instructor came. First thing I noticed about him was his face a little bit looks like Mr S, my Public Speaking instructor. He introduced himself. He is a married man with two little sons. He was the student of IIUM too. After the introduction of himself, he asked where we come from or where we stay by listing one state to one state in Malaysia. 

Then, to strengthen the relationship or ukhwah between instructor and students, he asked us to write ‘About Me’ essay; name, origin, parents’ names, parents’ occupations, previous school, number of siblings, hobby, ambition and expectation. Do you know what had happened? I forgot to write my hobby and ambition. I accidentally skipped those two things and finished my essay with my expectations. I did not notice about it until I was in my room, drafting the journal. How could I forget to write them? The reason is I was focusing on what he was explaining about the subject.  I don’t want to miss it. It is important thing to give attention for. Since I forgot to write them, so I want to write them in my journal. My hobby is surfing internet and my ambition is accountant. With Allah’s will. 

While my friends and I were finishing our short essay, he explained about the assessments of the course including the project assessment. He gave examples that we may do for our project. Mr A (my Thinking Skills instructor) also mentioned about he will be late to every Friday class because he joins jungle trekking. I do not know where but he did mention about IIUM. I wondered, is he doing jungle trekking in IIUM?

This part I will tell a story he told us. He said that Econs students are hardworking students. Why he said like that? Because of Econs students came to first-day class not like HS students. HS students did not come to class on first day. In addition, Mr A had taught HS student back then before he was transferred to IIUM Gombak. He told that he the only one who came to class on the first day with enthusiastic. He waited for 30 minutes but the students did not come at all. It happened for 5 years. What a pity? “Now, I am doing what Human Science did to me to Econs student, not come to class on first day”, he said. Now, the pity is on Econs students.

Before the class ended, I asked Mr A about class replacement in conjunction of Chinese New Year holiday. We discussed but no last word was given. Mr A asked us to discuss about it in WhatsApp group. That evening, my roommate created the group to discuss about it but nothing happened. Everyone silenced. 

I think these are enough for my first journal even though I want to write more. Wow! I took one hour to complete my journal with the help of my existing draft. All praise to Allah.

That’s all. Thank you.

P/s #1 Mr A, you are funny and talkative man. This my first expression on you.
P/s #2 My expectations for Thinking Skills class are I want to master in thinking skills and I hope I can apply them in my daily life.

4:19 p.m

Edited on: 19th January 2016